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Il 08/12/20 22:12, Nicolas Kovacs ha scritto:
Le 08/12/2020 à 21:56, Johnny Hughes a écrit :
And, it will likely be sometime mid to late 1st quarter 2021 before
CentOS Stream is in its 'Fully Functional' state with community pull
requests and the RHEL package maintainer doing all the work in CentOS
Stream, etc .  CentOS Linux 8 will still be available and updated until
the end of December 2021.
I've spent the last couple hours reading through various reactions to this
sudden paradigm shift, and they're overwhelmingly negative. Even the brazen
professionals and the hardcore guru admins who have seen it all add a little
"RIP CentOS" to their tweets, blog articles and other publications.

Only last month I held my yearly 101 class about Linux and Open Source at our
local university here in South France. We were talking about enterprise class
Linux - which isn't necessarily commercial Linux - and I remember explaining to
my students the choice of CentOS and the benefits of low-risk updates over an
extended period of ten years.

A colleague of mine - the most proficient admin I personally know - already
decided to move to Oracle Linux. And I'm currently considering it as an option.

Cheers from the sunny South of France,


Hi Niki,

I'm migrating away from centos since 8 released. The possibility of centos drop was enabled since IBM acquired RH. Johnny says that this is not an IBM decision, that a RH decision? Then it's worst.
My new ship (that was my old ship) will be debian and Ubuntu.

Thank you Johnny for the hard work.

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