Question for the list:
I have a small, aircooled pc server, which is running fine, but the log
gets filled with a series of messages saying the package, and each of 8
cpus is throttled because of thermal issues. Then, within the same
second according to the timestamps, it reports everything is OK and
throttling is off. This happens once every minute.
In reality, when I try performance tests, I believe the processor is
actually spending measurable time in the throttled condition.
I have installed lmsensors, and am monitoring temps as frequently as the
reported throttling occurs, but I never see any high cpu temps. I see
them vary, based on load, but never high enough to be alarmed, or to be
I did a lot of googling, and I see some intel issues in some lenovo
laptops, and a potential fix. I did the following:
dnf copr enable abn/throttled
dnf install -y throttled
but I get this output:
Problem: conflicting requests
- nothing provides python3-configparser needed by throttled0.7-1.x86_64
I have no guess what to do about this.
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