On 27 Feb 2020, at 14:42, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Feb 27, 2020, at 08:01, Tobias Kirchhofer <collect@shift.agency>
we experience difficulties with crond behaviour sending mail since
CentOS 8.1. The cron job is the same like we used in CentOS 7.
crontab -l
/usr/bin/python3 -c 'import random; import time;
time.sleep(random.random() * 3600)' && /usr/local/bin/backup.sh
Is this literally what your crontab looks like? Because that’s not
valid crontab syntax.
This is what it is literally:
0 5 * * * /usr/bin/python3 -c 'import random; import time;
time.sleep(random.random() * 3600)' && /usr/local/bin/backup.sh
backup.sh writes the backup to the remote backup server. There are
around 30 machines with the same cron job. The python part spreads
the jobs over an hour so that the backup server is not struck at once
from about 30 machines.
The change in behaviour is that crond sends no mail anymore. It is
because of the logical and (&&). Without this crond sends mails.
What has changed in CentOS 8 and does anyone has an idea how we could
fix it?
There aren’t any significant changes in ‘cronie’ in 8.1, looking
at the spec file.
Assuming the crontab you wrote above included the time spec too, I’d
check to make sure the first command isn’t exiting with a non-zero
exit code.
The command chain is running propery, STDOUT output is visible in system
log (excerpt from logwatch email):
--------------------- Cron Begin ------------------------
**Unmatched Entries**
CMDOUT (### Starting backup. Host: host.example.com Backupserver: Path: /borgbackup/vm/host-example-com Date: Fri Mar 20 05:13:46
CET 2020 ###)
CMDOUT (Creating archive at
Its just not sending an email.
What is additionally irritating is that it is only on a few machines.
All machines are identically provisioned with ansible.
The situation is not mission critical but it should work. Strange.
Jonathan Billings <billings@xxxxxxxxxx>
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