On 03/18/2020 09:19 AM, Jyrki Tikka wrote:
On Wed, 2020-03-18 at 07:31 -0400, Steve Clark wrote:
Does anyone have access to the following that could help me with the
issue I am having trying to
use kdrc with vnc and emacs.
VNC redraw issues with emacs on KDE
There is a workaround:
1. Initiate the VNC session, click on shadow man (start)
-> under search box type in 'desktop' select 'Desktop Effects'
2. Window 'Desktop Effects - KDE Control Module' will appear under
General Tab, select option "Enable desktop effects at startup"
which is under Activation
3. Disable (uncheck) all the options under 'Simple effect setup'
and under "All Effects"
4. Close the vnc session and reboot the RHEL7 box (vnc server)
5. Initiate a new vnc session
<(*) Jyrki
CentOS mailing list
Thanks but I don't have desktop effects enabled.
Stephen Clark
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