It's not a ls bug. I've stepped through the code with gdb and it looks just
fine. At this point I think Epsilon (a 32-bit app) is corrupting the image
of its child process in a strange way. I'm working with the author at
Lugaru (who's very responsive) to track it down. He couldn't reproduce it
right away. I just reproduced it on a virgin CentOS 8 image at Linode with
utterly no modifications. I just spun up the VM, logged in, scp'd the
Epsilon RPM, dnf installed it, and demonstrated the issue.
I extracted the formatting code from the ls source to create a short test
program that doesn't rely on anything external like a file's actual modes.
It's just the code that builds the string from the mode word. It looks like
it mysteriously skips the middle of the routine for no reason when spawned
either as a grandchild through bash or directly via whatever Epsilon uses
to spawn a child process.
It's definitely a spooky Halloween bug!
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