File server as host for a Windows Server VM?

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I hope that someone here can give some advice on the following:

I have a Samba based Active Directory. A CentOS 7.6 machine runs as a file server and hosts the Windows user profiles for all the Windows workstations.
Now management has decided that they need a Windows server for a couple 
of administrative applications, which need MS SQL Server. That would be 
the only role of this Windows. Since the above mentioned server has 
enough resources (2x Quad Core Xeon 2.66 GHz with HT and 48 GB of RAM, a 
dual port 10 Gb NIC) I thought of making it a host for a Windows virtual 
machine using KVM. Given the resources and current setup we have, at the 
moment it wouldn't be practical to implement both servers as VMs on top 
of a bare metal hypervisor.
According to your experience, is there any motive why I shouldn't use 
such a setup?
Thank you for any insights.

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