On 4/13/19 3:32 AM, Kenneth Porter wrote:
I reboot when I yum update to a new kernel or systemd, which seems to
come out about once a month. Should I do it for this week's glibc? Is
that "core" enough to justify a reboot or should I wait for the next
kernel update?
This is basically your decision, and you seem to know what update
brings. On an uptime note: in my observation since about the time kernel
2.6 was introduced Linux has to be rebooted on average every 45 days
(either kernel or glibc security update). This was mainly what made me
move my servers from CentOS Linux to FreeBSD.
I know the glibc update was mainly to handle the new
Japanese calendar, so that shouldn't affect my usage. So my question is
more about how shared libraries work and whether anything bad would
happen with different forks of running services (mainly the mail suite
with dovecot and the various content scanners launched by sendmail)
running different versions of the library based on when they were
started. _______________________________________________
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Valeri Galtsev
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Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
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