I have this machine running CentOS 6.10 x86_64 and it's ripe to be moved
to CentOS 7.5.
I mounted the DVD and rebooted and went through the graphic install
until I reached the point of allocating the disks. It showed no
available disk drives. There are 6 disk drives on this machine: 4 - 1 TB
and 2 - 2 TB all WD Black - they have been made up with /dev/sda1 (1024
MB) and /dev/sdd1 (1024 MB) as /dev/md0 (software RAID-1); with the
remainder as software RAID-10 using LVM. The machine has the following
/boot = /dev/md0 software RAID-1
/dev/md1 as /dev/vg_jpdsys3 totaling 2.72 TB software RAID-10.
Why can't the CentOS 7 installer see a CentOS 6 definition? Out of all
of the LVS built I would only need to format the file systems the apply
to the OS and swap. If I have to rebuild I will loose everything! Any
Eugene Poole
Woodstock, Georgia
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