Re: [External] /boot partition too small

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On 11/10/17 15:22, Robert Nichols wrote:
On 10/11/2017 02:04 AM, Toralf Lund wrote:
On 10/10/17 15:55, KM wrote:
First off - let me say I am not an administrator.   I need to know if there is an easy way to increase my /boot partition.  When I installed CentOS 6 after running 5, it was my oversight not to increase the /boot size.  it's too small and I can't do yum updates. if it's not easy to actually increase it, is it safe to take a chunk in my root filesystem (like /new.boot or something) and just mount it as /boot from now on so it uses the space or is that not a good idea?  I am sure I could easily copy the rpms/kernel stuff over to it and then unmounts the real /boot and mount this new area as /boot. Can you administrators let me know what you think of all this?   Thanks in advance.

Since a lot of people seem to say none of the above can be done, I'm starting to feel slightly unsure, but I though gparted could extend, shrink and move partitions while preserving data.
You would be asking gparted to:
    1. Reach inside an LVM PV and shrink one filesystem and its LV,
    2. Rearrange the extents inside the PV to make free space at the beginning,     3. Move the start of the PV and adjust all of the starting offsets for the LVs,
    4. Finally, enlarge partition 1 into the freed-up space.

Even if gparted was willing to attempt that, there is no way I would trust it to do it correctly.
Quite. I'd never try this without a backup, of course. In fact, I've only ever used gparted in situations where I had a system dump already. Still, it could save you from a bit of work, as in, if it does succeed, you won't have to do a full recovery.  Also, I'm not really sure about the state of the LVM support, now that you mention it. (But there is supposed to be *something* in that area.)
- Toralf

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