Re: httpd/sites-available directory

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If all you want is a really fast redirect, then indeed what those people advised should work.

NameVirtualHost IP:80 (you only need this on apache 2.2 and lower, not needed on CentOS7 which comes with apache 2.4)

<VirtualHost IP:80>
Redirect permanent /

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Moskowitz" <rgm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "CentOS mailing list" <centos@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Tuesday, 14 March, 2017 18:53:49
> Subject: Re:  httpd/sites-available directory

> The goal is to have access to a specific virtual host on port 80, to be
> routed to port 443.  Any other port 80 access is left as is.
> So let us assume a server and the specific virtual host is
> So I have tried:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>          ServerName
>          ServerAlias webmail
>          RewriteEngine On
>          ReWriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} [NC]
>          RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !=443
>          RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R]
>          ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 years"
>          AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml
>          php_admin_flag session.cookie_secure "1"
> </VirtualHost>
> This rewrite is rewriting ALL connections to  That first
> ReWriteCond is not working.
> Looking at this, the first thing I see 'wrong' with what I have done is:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> That should probably be:
> <VirtualHost>
> But I would also like to 'help out' users that connect to
> On 03/14/2017 02:28 AM, Nux! wrote:
>> Hello,
>> a2ensite and co is Debian/ubuntu specific. On CentOS there is no such thing.
>> It's not clear to me what you are trying to achieve. Can you rephrase so we can
>> help?
>> --
>> Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!
>> Nux!
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Robert Moskowitz" <rgm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> To: "CentOS mailing list" <centos@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 14 March, 2017 01:31:08
>>> Subject:  httpd/sites-available directory
>>> I just received some advice from a colleague of a colleague over at
>>>  But they use debian.  Please look at this and help me out
>>> on how Centos7 handles this:
>>> Note the comment of the location of virtualhost config files. Centos7
>>> does not have a "man a2ensite".
>>> thanks
>>> Rewriterules and https.  Actually, looking at what you have doesn't
>>> really tell me why it gets applied to everything and not just the
>>> webmail.  However, I'd say that your roundcubemail.conf is much
>>> overworked.  We use something like that on, but it
>>> generally looks like this:
>>>      <VirtualHost *:80>
>>>              ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
>>>              ServerName ${HOSTNAME}
>>>              ServerAlias ${HOSTALIASES}
>>>              Redirect permanent /https://${HOSTNAME}/
>>>      </VirtualHost>
>>> Since you already know that the host is correct and that's the port 80
>>> virtualhost, there's no point testing that with those RewriteCond you
>>> have.  Also, Redirect is faster and preferable to RewriteRule for this
>>> kind of stuff, see
>>> Also, specifically for virtualhost config files, they should be
>>> located in sites-available/ rather than conf.d/, see 'man a2ensite'.
>>> conf.d/ is older style configuration of general stuff...  or well,
>>> that's at least true for Debian, I'm not sure this is specific for
>>> Debian distributions and their derivates or if it's a native Apache
>>> thing.  You'll have to check the manuals to confirm.
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