Yum configuration and freshrpms

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On Sat, 2005-09-10 at 11:51 +0900, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
> (Moved over from "Re:  Why is yum not liked by some?")
> >As a matter of interest, what baseurl are you using for freshrpms?
> >  
> >
> It took me a while, but I found this in my yum.conf file:
> [freshrpms]
> name=Fedora Core 1 - Freshrpms
> baseurl=http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/1/$basearch/freshrpms/
> mirrorlist=http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/1/mirrors-freshrpms
> gpgcheck=1
> I went ahead and removed it because it seems like people on this list 
> are telling me that freshrpms doesn't have files that I should be using.
> But since I might have installed some programs from freshrpms, is there 
> something I can do to clean up my system or verify that all the rpms are 
> ones that I should be using with CentOS?


As this is a FC1 repository, I'd be VERY suspicious of anything
installed from it.  [Some have reported using FC3 packages on CentOS4
successfully, but I like to use only those built for CentOS4/EL4, or
rebuild from sources, preferably .src.rpm.] Unfortunately, there seem to
be packages above that do not have the ".fr." repo tag.  Can get a list
as follows from the command line (If you don't have it, "yum install
lftp" as root.):

$ lftp http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux/1/i386/freshrpms/RPMS
lftp ayo.freshrpms.net:/fedora/linux/1/i386/freshrpms/RPMS> ls >FreshRPMS.txt
lftp ayo.freshrpms.net:/fedora/linux/1/i386/freshrpms/RPMS> exit
$ grep -v "\.fr\." FreshRPMS.txt

The above will give a (fairly short) list of all packages that do NOT
have the .fr. repo tag.  Need to manually search/destroy those in the
installed list generated below.

To get a list of all packages installed:

$ rpm -qa | sort >RPMS_Installed.txt

To find those with repo tags from FreshRPMS:

$ grep "\.fr\." RPMS_Installed.txt

To remove them, as root:

# yum remove $(grep "\.fr\." RPMS_Installed.txt)

Be careful with the above as yum MAY want to remove some packages you
DON'T want removed.  May have to go to individual "rpm -e --nodeps
<package>" and "yum install <package>" without FCx repositories enabled
to fix things if you get into dependency hell, but this is major surgery
with risks.

Good luck getting re-stabilized.


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