I've found it is helpful to limit the length of the packet you are capturing by using
something like -s 256.
On 08/14/2016 06:04 PM, Anand Buddhdev wrote:
On 14/08/16 12:20, Anand Buddhdev wrote:
Hi folks,
I've discovered something. See below:
The packet rate is also not that high. From the sending side, this is
what I have:
# tcpreplay -i qtx:p1p1 5min.pcap
If I send packets without qtx, like this:
tcpreplay -i p1p1 5min.pcap
then tcpdump on the receiving box has no problem, and keeps up happily
with the queries, and receives all of them into the pcap file. It seems
like the qtx module is somehow interfering with the packet capture, but
I don't know how or why yet.
Anyway, for low packet rates, such as 20,000 q/s, qtx isn't necessary,
so I will not use it when I want to do packet captures.
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