Re: installing centos 7 32 bit i386 to laptop

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On 07/26/16 22:22, Johnny Hughes wrote:

hello Johnny,

glad you caught my post.

> If you can not get that NIC working with the default kernel, you could
> try the experimental kernel per the bottom of:

thank you. just had a look at it again. read closer this time.

may have another problem with install. started a third attempt to
install around 2223 hrs.

there seems to be a problem with installation after clicking out of
software selection. seems to have hit a snag somewhere.

'installation source' and 'software selection' both have the triangle.
both read in gray 'checking software dependencies...'.

this is third round, thought i would let it try to run it's course to
see if it might pull thru, but has not.

now, just over and hour, it is same as other attempts. clicking on
'begin installation' does nothing, nor does clicking other selections,
including 'quit'.

i can 'f2' to root user prompt. not knowing what else to try, i tried
'top' to see if it showed changing. it does, but i can not get back to
installation screen. holding <alt> pressing one of the 'f' keys does
bring up mouse pointer, but screen i am on does not change.

typing in 'reboot' does reboot.


if you have called it a night, like do not reply in about 30 min, i will
go back to command line and check just which 'f' keys does what and post

thanks again for reply. greatly needed and much appreciate.


peace out.

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