Re: HFSPlus Question

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On 03/06/16 04:45, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Tue, May 31, 2016, 7:59 PM Albert McCann <albert.mccann@xxxxxxxxxxx>

In CentOS 7.2.1511 does the (Plus)
kernel read HFSPlus iMac drives? I don't see any hfsplus modules installed
anywhere, so I suspect not.

It's in mainline so I don't know why it would not be built. It certainly
exists on Fedora. You could get Fedora live image, dd to a USB stick and it
will boot the Mac.

There are a lot of modules in the equivalent mainline kernel that are 
not enabled / built in the RHEL kernel, reason being RH don't want the 
extra workload of maintaining (backporting fixes) those drivers for the 
10 year lifespan of the product, long after upstream support at has ended.
In this case they probably determined it unlikely that a user would want 
to hook an HFSPlus volume up to a RHEL server. They also disabled a 
whole bunch of 100Mbit ethernet drivers commonly found on older desktop 
motherboards in RHEL7 for the same reason.
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