On 05/08/2016 10:10 AM, nikos sarantopoulos wrote:
it is active directory my server setup
Is it a standalone AD server or a member of a domain?
If it is standalone, how did you join the Windows workstation to the
domain? How did you create new users? Are you using those new users on
the Windows workstation?
If it is a domain member, how did you join the AD domain?
i am suspicious that is something
wrong when i am connecting to a loop device that is made this way dd
if=/dev/zero of=imgfile bs=1M count=60 for example
then losetup /dev/loop0 imgfile and formating it as ext4 filesystem
but only root have there write access am i doing something wrong?
No, that's normal. An ext4 filesystem supports permissions, and you
must manually set them to allow users to write to the new filesystem.
this path is connected to a smb.conf with the following way:
path = /path (where is mounted the loop device)
read only = no
You may have to deal with SELinux labels at some point, but at this
point, I suspect your problems are more fundamental.
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