Re: (OT) Computer seems to have died

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On 1/4/2016 4:03 PM, tdukes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I have an old IBM Netvista. Lately, it would seem to go into sleep mode
but I have all that disabled. I would have to power off to wake it up.
Now I think its done. I can't even get to the CMOS/BIOS. The power light
is on but no beeps or anything spinning up.

I have two of these Netvistas and had put on away when I upgraded one of
the machines. I pulled the HD from it and installed it in the other.
Same thng. I'm fairly certain it was working when I updraded. I've
swapped out monitors as well.

Power supply or hard drive, any ideas?

10 to 15 years old?    its 5 to 10 years past expected EOL.      You got 
your moneys worth.
john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

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