This is half true.
Depends on the application or the way that the network traffic is
flowing you could use some iptables rules to mark a connection for
example by the source MAC address per new connections which would be a
specific router and by that mark the connection, then in the routing
level decide which default gateway to use for this specific connection.
You can take a look at an example that I wrote and modify it to use a
MAC address match instead of NFQUEUE at:
The idea is that you mark a new connection from a specific router with a
unique mark and then restore the connection mark to force a specific
routing table on this mark(IE connection)
Hope it Helps,
On 25/12/2015 22:28, Paul R. Ganci wrote:
On 12/25/2015 12:44 PM, Joey wrote:
i have a server with 2 public ips on 2 devices.
I want that the request of incoming traffic dont use the default
gateway. Incoming traffic sould be answered using the gateway of the
incoming device
Could i realize this with firewalld? Or directly iptables?
No you can not do that via firewalld or iptables. The problem is you
have to tell the packets to go out the proper interface which must be
done via routing tables. For that purpose you need ip route. I suggest
you take a look at
This link provides a very thorough description of what must be done.
Just a warning is that you will want your routing tables to be
maintained across system boots. I put my routes for my bridged
interfaces into:
You can put your routes into similar files... just replace the br1/br2
with your appropriate interface names.
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