Hello. I am trying to create a text file that contains an accent like 'é' in it's filename on a vfat filesystem. This generates an error like the following: "testé.txt" E212: Can't open file for writing I have made a 'modprobe nls_cp850' and 'modprobe nls_iso8859-1' to load those needed modules. Then I mounted my FAT32 partition like this: mount -t vfat -o iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 /dev/hdb1 /samba_backups The mount succeeded but I still cannot create or copy a file that has an accent in it's filename. Of course I can create without any problem a file without any accent once the filesystem mounted the same way. It seems that other people on other systems are having no problems. Does somebody knows what happens and what I am doing wrong, and that would have any suggestion ? Thank you. Daniel