In CentOS 6.7, if I start emacs from a terminal session, I always see
a message, "(emacs:{PID}): Gdk-WARNING **: shmget failed: error 28 (No
space left on device)"
The message is also logged to .xsession-errors, and that occurs
regardless of how emacs is started. The same thing occurs with
SELinux in permissive mode.
Emacs version is emacs-23.1-28.el6.x86_64 .
Output from strace shows:
shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 393216, IPC_CREAT|0600) = -1 ENOSPC (No space
left on device)
/proc/mounts contains:
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,seclabel,relatime 0 0
and "df /dev/shm" shows:
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 8194164 172 8193992 1% /dev/shm
I can't identify any behavior problems that I can relate to this,
but it seems that something is wrong. Any clues as to what?
Bob Nichols "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
Do NOT delete it.
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