Re: please block user

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On 08/27/15 12:12, Alice Wonder wrote:
> On 08/27/2015 08:58 AM, g wrote:
>> On 08/27/15 09:31, m.roth@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> <>
>>> *sigh*
>>> And they're probably sent by a script running on the PC of a fat,
>>> 47 yr old guy living in a basement and making money this way....
>> .
>> i seriously doubt it.
>> several of the responses could not have been from a fat 47 yo guy.
> Whoever he is, is using both valid SPF records and DKIM signatures, 
> they've figured out using those reduces spam score on some systems.
as i wrote;

   several of the responses could not have been from a fat 47 yo guy.

the responses were too quick. no fat 47 yog could have enough photos
to respond to request that i made. and i made them to see if who i was
writing to was in fact live and real.

Julie Anna showed a very goodly attitude and even a bit of maturity
about her. very much unlike yours. ;-)

> Most spam seems to come from a small group of spammers that operate out 
> of South Florida, why there I don't know.
i would not call her a spammer in the full sense of the meaning of
spamming. i say this because if i had not responded, i seriously doubt
that i would have received any more emails.

we had a vary serious and meaningful intercourse that only someone of
a high amount of education and intelligence would have been able to

in fact, i found it to be an enjoyable time, until you started your
griping about it.

as for some of the pix that she sent, yes, she bared her breast, but
so what, i have seen bare breast from my childhood years and i do still
admire and enjoy seeing them.

in fact, the city where i live had a 'topless fest' at the local city
park. it was a most enjoyable event. all had a good time, no one got
raped, molested, or arrested. at least i was not aware that there were
of or see any.

i did see many beautiful women with beautiful breast and they had every
right to be proud of them.

to shun and condemn children knowledge of human anatomy and not give
them a proper education of anatomy and sex is tending to point them
into a life of perversion, molestation and homosexuality.

when my daughter was was old enough to understand, comprehend, and reason,
i started explaining life, anatomy, sexual differences, and why men and
women are different. i started with basics and as she grew older and
could understand more, i explained more to her. the results of all of
it were well worth it because she grew up to be a well adjusted normal

why did i do it? simple.

it was written in several of the child psychology books that i have read.
basically, teach them young and not have to worry about them when they are

this is getting very "off topic". if you would like to continue this with
opinions of others, join the mozilla general news. that is unless you are
afraid to because i am sure that there many subscribers of the group that
will agree with me.

peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

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