On 8/5/2015 11:52 AM, m.roth@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
m.roth@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Bowie Bailey wrote:
I am trying to upgrade my system from 500GB drives to 1TB. I was able
to partition and sync the raid devices, but I cannot get the new drive
to boot.
This is an old system with only IDE ports. There is an added Highpoint
raid card which is used only for the two extra IDE ports. I have
upgraded it with a 1TB SATA drive and an IDE-SATA adapter. I did not
have any problems with the system recognizing the drive or adding it to
the mdraid. A short SMART test shows no errors.
Trying to get your configuration clear in my mind - the drives are 1TB
IDE, and they're attached to the m/b, or to the Hpt RAID card?
Also, did you update the system? New kernel? If so, is the RAID card
recognized (we've got a Hpt RocketRaid card in a CentOS 6 system, and
we're *finally* replacing it with an LSI (once it comes in), because Hpt
does not care about old cards, and I had to find the source code, and then
hack it to compile it for the new kernel, and have had to recompile for
the new kernels we've installed....
To follow myself up, I forgot one thing I'd intended to ask: is it
possible that you needed to rebuild the initrd?
It's possible, but why would that be the case? The only thing that has
changed from the OS point of view is the partition size on one of the
drives. The filesystems are still the same.
Also, as I said, it doesn't even get as far as attempting to boot
Linux. It fails immediately after the "GRUB Loading stage 1.5" line, so
it seems like a grub issue of some sort.
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