On 04/21/2015 04:54 PM, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 03:46:52PM +0200, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:
Networking isn't really controlled by systemd but by NetworkManager. I
usually just yum remove NetworkManager* and then everything works just
as it did in CentOS 6.
Note: NetworkManager is in CentOS6 too, and is part of the default
workstation install. The NM in CentOS7 is a bit more polished than
the NM in CentOS6, but it is configured in the same way, using files
in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ (using the ifcfg-rh NetworkManager
plugin). In both cases, you can remove NM and use the 'network'
service instead.
This is the information I needed: " ... using files in
Looking furter I found https://access.redhat.com/discussions/644133
where I can read:
What is the preferred method for changing an interface's setttings?
Previously, editing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-xxx then
"service network restart" did the trick.
On RHEL 7, after editing the ifcfg file, nothing short of a reboot seems
to get it to use that config. I've tried "service network restart" I've
tried "systemctl restart network.service" as well as "systemctl stop
network.service" followed by "systemctl start network.service" Those
don't seem to actually do anything. I need to reboot to get the new
config to work.
Then answered by Ryan Sawhill :
A little late, but the command you're missing (if you're using NM) is:
* |nmcli connection reload|
Which can be shortened to:
* |nmcli c r|
That will reload the ifcfg files after manual edits. From there if you
want to re-up a connection whose file you changed, you need to manually
do so with another |nmcli connection| command, e.g.:
* |nmcli c up "System eno1"|
Note that you don't actually need to take an interface down first, like
in the old days (e.g., with |ifdown eth0| followed by |ifup eth0|).
Thanks for all.
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