Le 16/03/2015 10:18, Earl A Ramirez a écrit :
I replicated your settings on a CentOS 7 on a KVM, I did not see the
samba server when I click on "Browse Network", however when I enter
smb://<server_IP_address>/ I was able to see the shares.
If Im not mistaken the 'nmb' service is responsible for browsing,
therefore I stopped it and I was not longer able to see the shares from
a windows or samba client.
What is the output of:
$ smbclient -L <samba_server_host-or-IP> -U <samba_user>
from one of the samba clients?
OK, I experimented some more, and here's what I got.
I replaced the system on the two sandbox client machines by a standard
"vanilla" CentOS+GNOME desktop. At first I couldn't browse any samba
shares, but then I figured out that the standard desktop configuration
blocks some outgoing ports in the firewall. So I simply disabled the
firewall, and I could browse the shares, connect to them, create files
and directories, etc. Which means the server setup looks OK so far. I
did edit one minor detail in my smb.conf:
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = Serveur de fichiers AMANDINE
netbios name = amandine
dns proxy = yes
domain master = yes
I moved the netbios name from uppercase to lowercase, after a bit of RTFM.
Now the desktop client setups I usually install start from a quite
stripped-down GNOME configuration. I described the installation process
It essentially installs to 1. install the base system and configure it.
2. install X11 and configure WindowMaker 3. Install a minimal GNOME and
a collection of selected applications.
On such a minimal client, I have these Samba packages installed:
[root@bernadette:~] # rpm -qa | grep samba
Unfortunately I can neither browse any Samba shares, nor connect to them
directly. So something else must be missing, but what?
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