So, I'm seeing a bunch of DHCPv6 traffic coming from my CentOS7 machines. Basically, the machines are trying to send router solicitations, the packets are blocked at their egress firewalls, and I get to see the logs. I don't wish to disable IPv6. I don't wish to statically configure IPv6 at this time. I wish to have the machines no longer attempting to send router solicitations as part of DHCPv6. How do I do this? I tried DHCPV6C="no" in ifcfg-ifacethatsnoteth0, but that seems to have had no effect. I still see lines like these: Feb 25 10:25:48 proxy-comcast-2 NetworkManager[541]: <error> [1424877948.384918] [rdisc/nm-lndp-rdisc.c:241] send_rs(): ([snip]): cannot send router solicitation: -1. Feb 25 10:25:48 proxy-comcast-2 kernel: OUT-world:IN= OUT=[snip] SRC=fe80:[snip] DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002 LEN=48 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=255 FLOWLBL=0 PROTO=ICMPv6 TYPE=133 CODE=0 -- :wq _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list CentOS@xxxxxxxxxx