> On Wed, 18 Feb 2015 05:36:48 +1300 > Jegadeesh Kumar wrote: > >> I setup the RPM build server and read some doc to write the spec >> files. but i did get it clearly. So can you guys please help me >> to write a new RPM spec. If you have set up an RPM build server then you should have installed the rpmbuild and rpmdevtools packages. If you have installed the latter then you can use vi (vim/gvim) to automatically create an empty spec template file simply by opening any new file name ending in '.spec'. It will look like this: Name: Version: Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Group: License: URL: Source0: BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX) BuildRequires: Requires: %description %prep %setup -q %build %configure make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf %{buildroot} make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc %changelog * Fri Apr 05 2013 James B. Byrne <byrnejb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> - Rebuild for CentOS-6.4 - This description is an example and is not automatically - generated for you. Note that the formats for the date and identity in changelog entries are very specific and include the leading '*'. You cannot use any other format (to my knowledge) than that given above as an example. Each descriptive line thereafter must be prefaced by'- '. See: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html/Packagers_Guide/sect-Packagers_Guide-Creating_a_Basic_Spec_File.html -- *** E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel *** James B. Byrne mailto:ByrneJB@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Harte & Lyne Limited http://www.harte-lyne.ca 9 Brockley Drive vox: +1 905 561 1241 Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757 Canada L8E 3C3 _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list CentOS@xxxxxxxxxx http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos