Op 25-11-14 om 19:08 schreef Tris Hoar:
On 25/11/2014 16:52, Johan Vermeulen wrote:
Hello All,
I'm looking at setting up ds-389 on both Centos6.6 en Centos7, both
minimal installs with
epel repo enabled.
When running yum search ds-389 on Centos7 I get only 3 packages,
On Centos6.6 I get the whole list:
389-ds.noarch : 389 Directory, Administration, and Console Suite
389-ds-base.x86_64 : 389 Directory Server (base)
389-ds-base-devel.i686 : Development libraries for 389 Directory Server
389-ds-base-devel.x86_64 : Development libraries for 389 Directory
389-ds-base-libs.i686 : Core libraries for 389 Directory Server
389-ds-base-libs.x86_64 : Core libraries for 389 Directory Server
389-ds-console.noarch : 389 Directory Server Management Console
389-ds-console-doc.noarch : Web docs for 389 Directory Server Management
389-dsgw.x86_64 : 389 Directory Server Gateway (dsgw)
Is this a change in policy?
I apologise if this has been answered before.
A quick google did not provide an answer.
Greetings, Johan
Half the those packages are for i686 which is not longer a supported
architecture in 7, and many of the others are from epel
389-ds-base.x86_64 rhel-x86_64-server-6
389-ds-base-devel.x86_64 rhel-x86_64-server-optional-6
389-ds-base-libs.x86_64 rhel-x86_64-server-6
Is what I see on one of my RHEL6 servers.
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Hello Tris,
thanks for the reply. You are right, some of the packages are i686,
logically they are nog in Centos7.
But I have epel enabled on the Centos7 box and I am not seeing
389-admin.x86_64 : 389 Administration Server (admin)
389-admin-console.noarch : 389 Admin Server Management Console
The setup works without 389-admin as far as I can see on a first test,
but launching
the console is difficult without 389-admin-console.
Greetings, Johan
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