On 19/11/14 12:18, SilverTip257 wrote:
Thanks for sharing your examples.
I've gotten spoiled by using the "ip addr show" shortcut of "ip a s". So
much so that I try to do "ip l s" for "ip link show", which doesn't work.
Given the error message: Not enough information: "dev" argument is
required. I figure ip tools thinks I'm attempting to set something on the
interface. Anyhow, your "ip l l" shortcut appears (see my manpage comment
below) to evaluate to "ip link list", which is awesome! Shortcuts for the
On a CentOS 6.6 system per the ip manpage, it seems that "list" is
undocumented for link and addr.
(Certainly correct me if I'm wrong ... I did find a TLDP page with an
example of "ip link list", so it's known by some.)
Thanks Mike.
I use Ubuntu on the laptop and in the manpage for the ip command it has
the following:
...*As a rule, it is possible to add,**
** delete and **show (or list )**objects, but some objects do not
allow all**
** of these operations or have some additional commands.* ...
Seems to be vaguely documented - I can see how *(or list )* part can be
misleading as you might think they are just saying that show
_will_list_ and not necessary that *list* can be substituted for *show*
- it's all in the wording!
Oddly, the man page for ip (iproute-2.6.18-13.el5) on CentOS 5 is way
more comprehensive (it has way more examples on where list can be used)
than that on Ubuntu 14.04.1 with iproute-3.12.0-2! But then, Ubuntu has
a man page for each ip object:
$ man ip-<tab>
ip-address ip-monitor ip-ntable ip-tunnel
ip-addrlabel ip-mroute ip-route ip-xfrm
ip-l2tp ip-neighbour ip-rule
ip-link ip-netconf ip-tcp_metrics
ip-maddress ip-netns ip-token
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