Re: install mp3gain

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On 10/12/2014 1:28 AM, Chris wrote:
what's the easiest way to install mp3gain on CentOS 6? I've found it in
the rpmforge repository only. I don't want to add it since there are
many obsolete packages in. Is there any other way?
A) get the rpm from that repo, and just install it directly.

B) install rpmforge, but set its .conf file to disabled, and only --enablerepo=rpmforge when you're installing mp3gain
C) download the SRPM and rebuild it so it uses dependencies from other 
repos that are maintained, then maintain the package forevermore.
D) download the source to mp3gain, and build it, so it runs in 
/usr/local/bin and you just maintain it as source (looks like last 
version was 5 years ago)

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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