On Wed, 2005-10-12 at 16:03 -0700, Preston Crawford wrote: > Trying to figure out how to configure it for multiple users. By default > CentOS doesn't have a daemon setup if you want to do this. Here's how I do it: Add the following line to /etc/crontab (unwrap it if necessary): 5/35 * * * * root /usr/bin/fetchmail -s -f /etc/fetchmailrc 2>&1 BEGIN /etc/fetchmailrc #set daemon 600 # 600 is 10 minute intervals # We use cron instead of daemon to ensure it keeps running set postmaster "postmaster" # Who gets error messages? set no bouncemail # Report them to Postmaster instead set no spambounce # Don't reject Spam. set properties "" poll mail.yourmailhost.foo with proto POP3 timeout 60 user 'ann' there with password 'Annie' is 'awarbucks' here fetchall user 'djones' there with password 'deep6' is 'davie' here fetchall poll mail.anotherhost.foo with proto POP3 timeout 60 user 'bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' there with password 'gotmine' is 'billg' here fetchall user 'orphan' there with password 'little' is 'awarbucks' here fetchall