Currently the default yum configuration references When yum looks up the IP address it finds several but it will only try one and fail if that server is down or does not have the headers for whatever reason. If yum were to reference a mirrorlist it would skip servers that fail and keep trying them all until it finds one that works or exhausts all the mirrors. Centos would host a file on their web server for each repository that has a list of mirror baseurls. I created a test script to generate mirrorlists from the DNS lookup and changed yum to reference the local files that were generated as a mirrorlist= and it worked. The non-synced servers that did not have the correct directories setup were skipped and it found servers that did work. Are there any plans to provide a centos-yumconf rpm that links to a mirrorlist on instead of just using the DNS round-robin of which will cause yum to fail if it happens to get an IP that does not work? Centos would just need to change the mirrorlist file on the main website to change mirrors for clients. Each mirror would need to have a DNS entry of its own but it would make things work better for updates when 1 server is not synced properly or has some other problem(down, etc). ---- begin script ---- #!/bin/sh host | grep " has address " | cut -f 4 -d " " | \ sed "s#.*#http://\0/centos/4/updates/i386/#" > \ /etc/centos-mirror-updates.list host | grep " has address " | cut -f 4 -d " " | \ sed "s#.*#http://\0/centos/4/os/i386/#" > /etc/centos-mirror-base.list host | grep " has address " | cut -f 4 -d " " | \ sed "s#.*#http://\0/centos/4/addons/i386/#" > \ /etc/centos-mirror-addons.list host | grep " has address " | cut -f 4 -d " " | \ sed "s#.*#http://\0/centos/4/extras/i386/#" > \ /etc/centos-mirror-extras.list host | grep " has address " | cut -f 4 -d " " | \ sed "s#.*#http://\0/centos/4/centosplus/i386/#" > \ /etc/centos-mirror-centosplus.list ---- end generation script ---- ---- begin changed CentOS-Base.repo yum configuration ---- [base] name=CentOS-$releasever - Base #baseurl=$releasever/os/$basearch/ mirrorlist=file:///etc/centos-mirror-base.list gpgcheck=1 #released updates [update] name=CentOS-$releasever - Updates #baseurl=$releasever/updates/$basearch/ mirrorlist=file:///etc/centos-mirror-updates.list gpgcheck=1 #packages used/produced in the build but not released [addons] name=CentOS-$releasever - Addons #baseurl=$releasever/addons/$basearch/ mirrorlist=file:///etc/centos-mirror-addons.list gpgcheck=1 #additional packages that may be useful [extras] name=CentOS-$releasever - Extras #baseurl=$releasever/extras/$basearch/ mirrorlist=file:///etc/centos-mirror-extras.list gpgcheck=1 #additional packages that extend functionality of existing packages [centosplus] name=CentOS-$releasever - Plus #baseurl=$releasever/centosplus/$basearch/ mirrorlist=file:///etc/centos-mirror-centosplus.list gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 NOTE: My hack with using IPs from has the flaw in that the http servers in the list files are referenced by IP. If the mirror http server is using a Name Virtual Host and centos is not the default web site for that IP then it might try pulling the files from the wrong configured virtual host on that mirror. This might make some mirrors not work.