Re: ADMIN issue - manitu

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On 05/12/13 19:37, m.roth@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Ned Slider wrote:
>> On 05/12/13 18:19, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
>>> Actually, Manitu, also known as NIXSpam, is quite a good list. I've been
>>> using only this one and Spamhaus for years. Very good FP:Spam ratio.
> <snip>
>> Simple fact in the second decade of the 21st century is "their server,
>> their rules". If someone wants to block you they can and they will. If
>> your outbound server is spamming me I'd block you too. I don't care how
>> many other people might be using it. It's not difficult to prevent
>> outgoing spam, be responsible or be blocked. My server, my rules.
>> As you've found out, twice now, it's highly effective and gets people's
>> attention. As it's got your attention twice now, I'd suggest you either
>> get used to it or move your outbound mail to a clean host. It's been
>> going on long enough now that it's pretty obvious hostmonster don't care
>> (if it's on my radar, it must have caught their attention - after all,
>> it's their servers). They are happy to keep taking your money.
> And here's two thoughts that just struck me: first, they have no way to
> apply to be whitelisted.
> And second, NIXSpam is a free service, right? Um, as someone said
> recently, you get what you pay for.
>              mark

As Kai pointed out they are actually a very effective blacklist, 
irrespective of cost.

I don't understand why you persist with this. You say you've been hit 
with this a dozen or two dozen times now. You'd think by now you would 
have figured it out? You are collateral damage. No one cares. 
Hostmonster don't care - they are more than happy to keep taking your 
money each month. If they cared it wouldn't be happening time and time 
and time again. Manitu don't care - hostmonster spam their servers so 
get blacklisted. That's what they do.

YOU are the only person that cares because you are being directly 
impacted by it. If I were you I wouldn't stand for it. I'd go elsewhere. 
I probably would have moved after the second time it happened. If you 
are still with them after multiple instances you only have yourself to 
blame. Stop whinging to this list about it and do something about it - 
either move to another (clean) provider or provision yourself a mail 
server in clean IP space that you don't share with spammers.

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