List, Sorry to trouble anyone, a google on my error from k3b lead me to a permissions issue, but after searching through several of the links (including a few forums) I've failed to turn up exactly what the permissions should be or if that is even an accurate solution. When running k3b I get an error stating that cdrecord did not exit properly. And k3b will not burn a cd. Running cdrecord from the command line as such: /usr/bin/cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/hdd speed=40 -dao driveropts=burnfree -eject -data /home/fakeuser/cdimage.iso I am met with a Segmentation fault. There is no other error obviously. Any ideas? I'm running this as a regular user. Root does not encounter this problem. So the iso is perfectly fine. I am under the assumption that I inadvertently changed the permissions of cdrecord or somethin' else stupid happened. What permissions does cdrecord need to be run as a regular user or should I be using sudo to burn a cd using cdrecord anyhow? Should cdrecord be suid? Sorry to bother! Alex White