On 05/09/2013 01:31 PM, Rock wrote:
I'm really no good at compiling unless all I have to do is
issue the make command. So, maybe I'll have to hold off on
compiling Pan 0.136 with stunnel...
I was able to take the source RPM mentioned earlier and update it to
build 0.139. The result has some quirks I was not used to, like
"remembering" the last newsgroup I used, but it does work OK, including
SSL. You can find the specfile I used at:
My build was under CentOS 6 (6.3 to be precise) 64-bit, I haven't tried
any others. You will have to download the pan sources, but that
shouldn't be too hard. Use rpmbuild (rpmbuild -bb pan.spec) and it
should create a usable RPM, assuming you have the prerequisites
installed. If not, rpmbuild will tell you what you need to install.
No warranty is expressed or implied, no assurance of usability is
provided, etc. Like any open-source project, if you break it you own
both pieces. All I know is that it works for me.
Jay Leafey - jay.leafey@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Memphis, TN
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