Re: Centos 6.3 - which repos to use?

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On 24.01.2013 20:27, James Freer wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Leon Fauster
> <leonfauster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Am 22.01.2013 um 23:03 schrieb James Freer 
>> <>:
>>> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 9:15 PM, Johnny Hughes <johnny@xxxxxxxxxx> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 01/22/2013 03:01 PM, James Freer wrote:
>>>>> I've just installed v6.3 as a desktop (from
>>>>> Centos-6.3-i386-LiveCD.iso) and to get the hang of the Centos 
>>>>> approach
>>>>> and then hope to move on to a server. I've been using linux *buntu 
>>>>> for
>>>>> 5 years.
>>>>> Hope i don't sound like a nit but i've got a little confused with 
>>>>> the
>>>>> repos. Hoping someone would be kind enough just to clarify. This
>>>>> installation is for stability whilst installing the latest 
>>>>> versions
>>>>> available.
>>>>> a] What happens if i select these? I assume that Centos6 is 
>>>>> correct so
>>>>> why these?
>>>>> In software sources i have checked;
>>>>> Centos6-base, Centos6-extras, Centos6-updates
>>>>> unchecked;
>>>>> Centos6-contrib, Centos6-media, Centos6-plus
>>>>> i did check these three and media wouldn't, and plus wanted to 
>>>>> suggest
>>>>> installation kernel 2.6 [gulp]. Each unchecked without installing.
>>>>> Then we also have the same for 6.0, 6.1, 6.2?
>>>>> b] So which repos to use as i'm unsure where apps are i want to 
>>>>> use
>>>>> like efax (ok that's in), yumex, pyrenamer, llgal, abiword. at 
>>>>> present
>>>>> i'm not sure which repos to use other than the one's i've 
>>>>> mentioned.
>>>>> I then started to look at the repos
>>>>> Centos extras and plus -- are these the same as above?
>>>>> CS/GFS, Centos testing, Fast track, debuginfo, contrib, CR - would
>>>>> seem not applicable to me.
>>>>> 3rd party repos
>>>>> rpmforge (DAG), and EPEL seem likely
>>>>> other repos seem likely to replace core packages which wouldn't be 
>>>>> applicable.
>>>>> Google RPM gets a "use with care". I used the google browser on 
>>>>> *buntu
>>>>> from their website with no problems so i was wondering what the
>>>>> problem would be and whether to use this repoo or the website. The
>>>>> fact that a maintainer has made this repo suggests a reason rather
>>>>> than just convenience.
>>>>> c] Could one just use to install from?
>>>>> My google "centos abiword" threw up yet another repo 'puias' and 
>>>>> this
>>>>> has the latest Abiword version 2.8.6.
>>>>> I could just install from it would seem? Point 
>>>>> is
>>>>> the repos are maintained by an expert rather than folk just
>>>>> downloading.
>>>>> I was then confused further by this
>>>>> One needs to add epal and rpmforge just for abiword? Surely the
>>>>> dependencies would be in the same repo
>>>>> I'm sure all is quite simple really but i'd be grateful for the
>>>>> guidance before i mess up an installation.
>>>> puias is another rebuild of RHEL code (like CentOS .. but a 
>>>> different
>>>> project) ... they also just changed their name to Springdale Linux:
>>>> WRT recommended repos (that also explains what extras is, 
>>>> centosplus is,
>>>> etc):
>>>> Basically, for almost everything I need, I can get it from CentOS, 
>>>> EPEL,
>>>> and maybe RPMForge.
>>>> As far as the distro is concerned, CentOS-6 is the distro and the 
>>>> point
>>>> releases are basically just point in time freezes to generate new
>>>> install media.  You will always get to the latest version of 
>>>> CentOS-6
>>>> (currently 6.3 and updates to that) by doing "yum update"
>>>> CR is a way to "point release" updates about a week faster, we 
>>>> release
>>>> the RPMS when they are ready, into CR and then we make ISOs out of 
>>>> them
>>>> and release the next version.  It usually takes 5-10 days to make 
>>>> the
>>>> ISOs, test them and seed them.
>>> puias... sorry i overlooked that. Clear enough now. I'll use the 
>>> epel
>>> and rpmforge repos and see how i get on.
> Hi folks
>> i do not recommend to use this two repos simultaniuous (or use 
>> priorities!).
>> LF
> hmmm - well what is one supposed to do? I've got EPEL installed fine
> but that doesn't have abiword, pyrenamer and some of the the other...
> fairly standard apps. I turned to Centos after Fedora has proved to be
> a bit dodgy. Centos along with debian are supposed to be the TWO main
> community distros. If rpmforge shouldn't be installed (as you've
> advised) it seems i need to look at another distro. The advice is to
> stay with a distro's developer packages and only use other repo if one
> really has to. I can only assume that Centos really is for Server use
> rather than desktop... i was just hoping to use it as a desktop before
> moving onto the server route.

If you'd like to try, I do maintain a desktop related repository meant 
to not conflict with @Base or EPEL (or Elrepo):
rpm -ivh

There are a lot of packages there, for those that are not you can drop 
me an email or ask on;

If you'd like to get even more adventurous I even have a desktop Centos 
remix built around EPEL, ElRepo and my own repos:

</shameless plug>

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