From: Robert Moskowitz <rgm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > I meant what is Centos equiv to in terms of Fedora. > As the scripts I am using are set up for core 4. Fedora Core 4 isn't even out yet. Test 3 just hit the other week. I've been calling it the first version (.0) of a new EL5 series (CL5.0) because it switches to GCC 4.0. I haven't looked at it deep enough to see if other things have changed, but it's safe to say at this point, with RHEL4 out, Red Hat is looking to "shake things up" so don't expect FC4 to have the same compatibility as FC2-FC3-RHEL4. [ BTW, I caught a typo in my EL0-EL4 reference I posted before. Both EL3 and EL4 use GLibC 2.3, as does this new EL5. ] -- Bryan J. Smith mailto:b.j.smith@xxxxxxxx