Hello. I tried to create an access file with 'htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf/myfile.htaccess testuser'. In the SSL directory I have put a .htaccess file containing the followings: AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/myfile.htaccess AuthName "Mydomain" AuthType Basic require valid-user This worked with CentOS 3. Now with CentOS 4, apache version 2.0.52, the access to the page is forbidden. The ssl_error_log indicates this error: [Mon May 16 10:03:21 2005] [error] [client] MySQL ERROR: Table 'test .user_info' doesn't exist: /myurl_to_ssl_address [Mon May 16 10:03:21 2005] [error] [client] MySQL user testuser not fou nd: /myurl_to_ssl_address It's like if apache would make a MySQL query to find the user I specified, but in fact I expected apache to look into the /etc/httpd/conf/myfile.htaccess for that, and not in MySQL. Another person had the same problem lately. Here is the post: http://groups.google.ch/group/alt.apache.configuration/browse_frm/thread/9e72a6f834fa38e0/1309ed14100875ee?tvc=1&q=%22MySQL+ERROR:+Table+%27test.user_info%27+doesn%27t+exist%22&hl=fr#1309ed14100875ee Does anybody have an idea of what happens there ? Thanks for any help provided. Daniel