I am failing to get Named started. I copied my named.custom and zone files to a diskette from my 3.3 build. I installed 4.0 from scratch and did the updates. I edited /etc/named.conf (which I realize is a link) to include named.custom I cp named.custom into /etc (all of this was done while logged in as root) When I try to start named from the services GUI (using GNOME) and I get this error: named failed. The error was: Starting named: /etc/named.conf:67: open /etc/named.custom: file nto found /etc/init.d/named: line 56: [: too many arguements [FAILED] So what is wrong. /etc/named.custom is there. permissions look right. All done as root. Am I suppose to put named.custom in the croot area along with named.conf and set up a symbolic link (which I have forgotten how to do, as I haven't done it since '93)?