Re: CentOs 5.6 and Time Sync

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On 4/13/2011 7:35 AM, Mailing List wrote:

  I have upgraded my Dell C151 to the latest 5.6. I have always used
ntp to sync this machine and then the rest of the machines in the
network would sync from it. Since the update I cannot keep the right
time on the machine. This is with / without ntp. I have attempted
various scenario's with no luck. I am now trying the old kernel now as
I type this out. If anyone else has any links or ideas that I should
check out It would be greatly appreciated.

     Just a quick note about my setup. I do not use any gui. As
mentioned I have not had any issues with this machine and it's time
until I upgrade.

AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+
3gb of ram.



I hope I'm not the only one having this issue with ntp and the new 5.6 kernels..
  I am still stuck on the old 5.5 kernel, anything from the 5.6 era and 
I start seeing time issues.

<<attachment: smime.p7s>>

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