xen backup script

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 I have a couple of longish commands that I run to backup my network
of xen hosts. I would like to cron this, but am having trouble issuing
the same command the second time to the second xen host:

 [root@LCENT01 ~]# ssh sum2 'for i in `virsh list | grep -v -e Id -e
--- -e "Domain-0"| awk '{print \$1}'`; do echo "shutting down $i";
sleep 2; virsh shutdown $i; sleep 2; echo "domain $i is shutdown";
echo echo; done'
root@sum2's password:
awk: cmd. line:1: {print
awk: cmd. line:1:       ^ unexpected newline or end of string


this is the script so far:


for i in `virsh list | grep -v -e Id -e --- -e "Domain-0"| awk '{print
$1}'`; do echo "shutting down $i"; sleep 2; virsh shutdown $i; sleep
2; echo "domain $i is shutdown"; echo; echo; \

for i in *; do echo "copying $i to nas"; sleep 2; rsync -avzp
/mnt/store/xen/$i /mnt/nas/xen; sleep 2; echo "$i has been copied to
nas"; echo; echo; done

ssh sum2 'for i in `virsh list | grep -v -e Id -e --- -e "Domain-0"|
awk '{print \$1}'`; do echo "shutting down $i"; sleep 2; virsh
shutdown $i; sleep 2; echo "domain $i is shutdown"; echo echo; done'

I think this could actually pretty useful for folks. feel free to use
and improve I would appreciate the feedback to get this to work so I
don't have to run two separate jobs on separate hosts


Here's my RSA Public key:
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 5A4873A9

Share and enjoy!!
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