> [root@homebase /]yum update samba Gathering header information file(s) > from server(s) > Server: CentOS-3.3 - Addons > retrygrab() failed for: > http://mirror.centos.org/centos-3/3.3/addons/i386/headers/header.info > Executing failover method > failover: out of servers to try > Error getting file > http://mirror.centos.org/centos-3/3.3/addons/i386/headers/header.info > [Errno 4] IOError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found Robert, your not crazy. This was the "exact" same set of errors I received last night. But this morning seems ok. I just let it slide, because it seems something a little strange has been going on the last week or so with the repository/mirror set up.