On Tue, June 28, 2005 11:37 am, User Lists said: > Hi all, > > Somebody has tested directory server > (http://directory.fedora.redhat.com/wiki/Main_Page) > under CentOS 4.1?? Is it ready for production > environments?? Somebody has ported to centos?? > The plan for Directory Server for CentOS-4 is to port RedHat Directory Server (and not Fedora Directory Server) when it is released for RHEL. That should happen when RedHat thinks it is stable for production in the enterprise ... I would assume that they will charge for it like they do for RHGFS/RHCS when they feel they have it stable. We will release GFS 6.1 for CentOS-4 and RH Directory Services when they release for RHEL. -- Johnny Hughes <http://www.HughesJR.com/>