Sukru, Thanks for your reply. I think I have it sorted out now. I found a backup copy of the etc directory with rc.d/init.d/keytable script in it. I copied it to /etc/rc.d/init.d and ran chkconfig against it. Then I used rpm to install kbd. I was then able to update initscripts and when I did a yum update I ended up at CentOS 3.5. Regards, Wayne On 6/10/05, Sukru TIKVES <sukru@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > error reading information on service keytable: No such file or directory > > The first error seems like it's not a dependancy problem, but a missing > file one. > > If I were you, I would reinstall CentOS with the old /var not mounted > (or mounted in something like /oldvar) and copy the necessary files > afterwards (I guess you'd like to retain only your web pages and databases). > > This way minimum amount of problems will be ensured. However there may > be others issues while upgrading database files, since change in MySQL > (or PostgreSQL) versions will render those imcompatible. > > -- sukru > _______________________________________________ > CentOS mailing list > CentOS@xxxxxxxxxx > >