ijez wrote: > Hi, > > >>To start gnome on :1 - >> 1. Hit ctrl-alt-F2 to get to virtual console 2 >> 2. Run xinit /usr/bin/gnome-session -- :1 >> 3. Use ctrl-alt-F7 to get to :0 and ctrl-alt-F8 to get to :1 , etc >> >>To start kde on :1 : 1 >>. Hit ctrl-alt-F2 to get to virtual console 2 >> 2. Run xinit /usr/bin/startkde -- :1 >> 3. Use ctrl-alt-F7 to get to :0 and ctrl-alt-F8 to get to :1 , etc >> > > > This work just great! as far as this thread is concern, it was solve. > I think I do the right thing by choosing CentOS as my new platform for Windows replacement :) > > Is there any trick or tip if I want to start gnome or kde automagicaly when I switch to virtual console? That I don't know. You could make it easier to do by creating aliases for starting the extra displays i.e.: alias kde1="xinit /usr/bin/startkde -- :1" alias gnome2="xinit /usr/bin/gnome-session -- :1" Alternately you could add an entry like this to your .bashrc file mytty=`tty` # start icewm automagically if we are logged into console 2. # Give a 5 second grace period to abort with ctrl-c if [[ $mytty = "/dev/tty2" ]] ; then echo "Starting icewm. Hit ctrl-c to abort" sleep 5 xinit /usr/bin/icewm -- :1 fi Not to point out the obvious - but you don't have to run a whole desktop on these alternate displays. You run say a game, or a web browser in fullscreen mode, or an openoffice presentation in fullscreen mode, etc, etc, etc. -Mark