} } so you are recommending i run a full chrooted BIND dns server to serve } dns for my internal hosts and then use it to pass external DNs requests } to my firewall for forwarding? That was going to be my next step since } i intended to put samba as my PDC and when i can get a copy setup a 2k3 } server box to integrate Astaro and Samba directly into an AD environment. } } So let the full dns server adventure begin..! } } yes, if you want to manage and run your own networks, you need to know dns and dns troubleshooting and know it well and it will save you time in the _long run_ plus you can truly be in control of _your networking business_ so to speak. people will differ on what dns software yet the "theory" and "implementation" and "troubleshooting skills" are extremenly important in serving yourself and others. - rh -- Robert Hanson Abba Communications http://www.abbacomm.net