On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Matt Hyclak wrote: > On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 02:28:08AM +0900, Dave Gutteridge enlightened us: > > Okay, I tried installing OpenOffice beta, and I think I messed it up, so > > I wanted to uninstall it. > > > > I thought wilcards worked, so I tried: > > [root@localhost program]# rpm -e openoffice* > > error: package openoffice* is not installed > > They do with yum, which cleans up the dependencies as well. yum erase openoffice* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jim Wildman, CISSP, RHCE jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.rossberry.com "Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." Thomas Paine