SD Card Reader not being recognized

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On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 20:18 -0700, Craig White wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 10:15 +0900, Dave Gutteridge wrote:
> > I was successful in getting centosplus installed, and it has had some 
> > effect. CentOS now recognizes an external hard drive that my friend had 
> > lent me, which is nice.
> > 
> > However, it still does not acknowledge my SD card reader.
> > 
> > Is there anything else I can do? There must be some kind of support 
> > available, even if it's bleeding edge, as my SD card reader was possible 
> > in Fedora Core 4.

Well, could try building the latest FC3 or FC4 kernel under CentOS.  I
ran a rebuild generic kernel, then later an FC3 kernel, for a few months
on one machine to get support for a too-new SATA controller until the
RHEL4 kernel caught up.

> ----
> haven't been tracking what you've tried and haven't tried but what does
> tail /var/log/dmesg
> output just a few seconds after you insert the SD card?

For some reason that doesn't give anything just after inserting a USB
device, but just the command "dmesg" does.

Can also try (as root):

# tail -f /var/log/messages

then insert card.  (Ctrl-C to exit - otherwise runs "forever".)

If something shows up in the output, try

# fdisk -l

and (think I suggested this earlier, but the centosplus kernel man yave
made a difference)

# tail /etc/fstab

and report results.  If there is a new entry try mounting it as a user
or as root.

> Is there anything on the card of value? Can you reformat it without
> losing anything of value? Sometimes the vfat partitions are properly
> created

That may be worth a try if other things fail, but the fact that you
could use it under FC4 would tend to indicate a driver rather than a
format problem.


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