>Hi Dan! > >The '/bin/sh' command is usually a symbolic link to '/bin/bash'. >Check this by ls -l /bin/sh (should show it pointing to bash). > >Maybe the link has gotton broken some how. > >Change the '#!/bin/sh' in the scripts to '#!/bin/bash' and see if they then execute ok. > >If so, as root, 'rm /bin/sh' , followed by 'ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh' >to fix the link. Hi Bruce. Good idea.. I tried it also already... unfortunately it's not that. And replacing #!/bin/sh by #!/bin/bash makes the same problem: no output. To try something else, I have written something to a file by the script, to see if this was an display problem, and that the script would print out to somewhere else than to the console output. The file is not written at all, so it's really like if the script would not be executed at all. The output of the execution of any script is the following: [root@box /]# /test.sh [root@box /]# So it finds the file, is apparently able to do something with it, but doesn't execute the script nor display any message regarding the problem that occurs. I also tried to replace the /bin/bash file with another one same version from a CentOS 4 machine on which that problem doesn't occur, and the issue still remains. That's a tough one, isn't it ? And I'm a bit annoyed because I wouldn't like to re-install everything, I just passed 2-3 days configuring this new server. Appart of that it works great.. As many scripts are calling others without putting the 'sh command' but directly accessing it with it's path, I think that I have to solve that issue before being able to use the server in production, because it might be fatal in a future need of it working properly. Thanks for all your inputs that I appreciate a lot.. Daniel