Hi List, I have a general question about the CentOS Wiki policy that's probably best addressed here. Akemi and I were recently discussing (read Akemi was twisting my arm!!) the possibility of doing a Wiki article on SSL (what are SSL certificates, certificate generation, becoming your own CA, CA-signed vs self-signed etc), but I'm wondering on the merits of such an article for the CentOS Wiki. There are already good examples of general articles elsewhere and it's not necessarily a subject that is specific to CentOS. So, my question - should the CentOS Wiki specifically be for articles directly relating to CentOS, or should it be a general repository for good articles/information for CentOS users/community? Where a topic is generic (not distro specific), is inclusion on the Wiki warranted? Personally, I'd like to see any/all well presented and useful documentation on the Wiki, but that's just my personal opinion and I can understand if others deem it a place best kept to CentOS specific content. The other issue (if the Wiki were kept CentOS specific) is where to draw the line. Take my own Howtos/articles on securing SSH and IPTables - both are essentially generic content applicable to all distros that contain very little that is specific to CentOS. Interested to hear others thoughts :) Regards, Ned