Hi all, I am a newcomer to CentOS but slightly less so to Linux in general (FC4-F9). In short, I am trying to make an old SB Vibra 16C (ISA) sound card work in Centos 5. To achieve this, support for ISA bus and ISA PnP is apparently needed in kernel. Therefore, a custom kernel needs to be built. -- Yes, I have read all the warnings of lack of support, etc. As a first step, I had to build the complete kernel tree according to "I Need the Kernel Source" CentOS Wiki. I tried to meticulously follow the directions given there but it took five or six attempts before I had a complete tree in ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/. Would you please consider the following questions in order to decide if any changes/additions are necessary in the article: a) In section 2.1 it is said: "[user@host]# yum install rpm-build". To 'yum install' something you need to be superuser (as confirmed by '#' prompt before the command). Shouldn't the example read: "[root@host]# yum install rpm-build"? b) The next command on the page is "rpm -i http://mirror.centos.org...". Two of my futile attempts to install the ...src.rpm were due to the fact that 1) I did not understand and then 2) forgot to exit from root before trying to install the source rpm. Shouldn't there be at least a "$" prompt (and perhaps the directory, too) before the 'rpm -i' command? c) One attempt of 'rpmbuild' failed because "redhat-rpm-config is needed by kernel-2.6.18-92.1.6.el5.i686". This may not apply to everyone but it certainly applied to me who had only installed 5.1 in March and updated it to 5.2 in July by just updating when told to do so. Perhaps it would be advisable to add "# yum install redhat-rpm-config" to the article? d) Two attempts of 'rpmbuild' perhaps failed because I inadvertently used single quotes or apostrophes around 'uname -m' instead of "`"s (accent grave?). The result in prep-err.log, however, was: "Building target platforms: uname -m" and "Building for target uname -m". I had to explicitly insert "i686" in the 'rpmbuild' command like this: [user@host SPECS]$ rpmbuild -bp --target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec 2> ...". If this is what the user is supposed to do anyway, perhaps it could be worded a little differently to make it perfectly clear? On the other hand, if 'accent grave' characters around 'uname -m' really work in replacing the proper architecture in the command, perhaps the text should emphasize the fact? I foolishly did not "cut-and-paste" the 'rpmbuild' command but wrote it myself. I realize there is another thread about these Wiki pages currently being discussed on centos-docs list but I thought it better to start a new thread. TIA, Antti