On Feb 8, 2008 6:11 PM, Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On 02/09/2008 03:48 AM, Akemi Yagi wrote: > > wolfy, > > > > Is my observation correct that the rpm you are offering does not have > > Require for dkms? > It does require dkms. The spec contains: > Requires: gcc, make > Requires(post): dkms > Requires(preun): dkms Sorry, I did not actually check the spec file. I must have tried it on a system that already had dkms. > > Or could you also provide the instructions that > > will help "newbies" install this driver? There was someone who was > > looking for the driver for this particular card. He could not > > understand the wiki and therefore was asking if there is some easier > > method. > > > Well, IF a link to the rpm would be added in the wiki, it SHOULD contain > something along the following lines: > In order to use this driver <link to driver here>, you will need > the dkms package available from rpmforge. Please add this repository to > your list of local repositories (as described in > http://wiki.centos.org/Repositories) and run the following commands: > yum install dkms --enablerepo rpmforge > rpm -Uvh <link to dkms-r8168.noarch.rpm> [*] > Maybe also add some words about the benefit of dkms over lkmdl... Yes, brief instructions will be helpful. By the way, that "someone" was in the CentOS forum and he apparently decided to buy a new card that works out of the box (upon other's suggestion). I felt it was appropriate advice given his "newbie" status. > [*] Under normal circumstances yum localinstall dkms-r8168 would be > perfect, but since my package is not signed, yum will choke. And because > yum in Centos does not have a --nogpgcheck option (and I am very much > against advising users to disable gpgcheck in yum.conf, even for short > periods of time), I see very few options: > - use rpm in order to skip gpg check (as described above) > - host the rpm in one of Centos's blessed repos (so as to have it signed) I suppose this is what the dasha project is for. > Because I have very few packages intended for public use and not > included in well known repositories, I am not interested in creating my > own repo (with signed packages). Not to mention that > a) I have absolutely no memory about the password I have chosen when I > have created my GPG key :) and > b) does anyone care about the GPG key of some unknown packager (yes, > that would me) ? I of course trust you ;-) Akemi